Mickey D. Levy


917 822-5625


Mickey D. Levy currently is a Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution and president of MDL Insights, an economic consulting firm.  He has published research on monetary and fiscal policies, and their impacts on economic and financial market performance, and global topics including international trade and China.  He has testified before Congress on topics concerning monetary and fiscal policies, economic and credit conditions, and the banking industry. His articles appear frequently in the Wall Street Journal.  He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  Dr. Levy was long-standing Chief Economist at Bank of America where he was on the finance and asset and liability committees and several other financial institutions.  Prior to a career in private sector, he conducted research at the American Enterprise Institute and the Congressional Budget Office.  He received his BA at University of California, Santa Barbara, a MPP from University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in Economics from University of Maryland.